Our school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education and this CBSE has entirely changed the meaning of education. In other words, we can say 'Education Redefined ' by CBSE. That's the reason, why we have opted to go with the CBSE curriculum. Through this, Olivia is trying its best to impart the knowledge to our students and the upcoming generations. So, what is the meaning of "Education Redefined" ? Actually, Education seeks to nourish the good qualities in man and draw out the best in every individual utilizing the resources available. By educating an individual we attempt of giving him desirable knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and critical thinking. That is, he/she gets some skills in writing, speaking, calculating, drawing, operating equipments and above all, to be a perfect citizen, a good human being. In the process , he/she develops some interests in and attitudes towards social work, democratic living, co-operative management and so on. This year CBSE has introduced a new form of assessment named as the Remodeled Assessment system. According to the Uniform System of Assessment introduced from this session the scheme for Classes VI - VIII will be designed on a two Term Assessment Basis with a gradual increase in the assessment as the student moves forward and for classes IX and X on a single Term Assessment. This will prepare the student to cover the whole syllabus of the academic year and face the challenge of the Final Term / Board Examination in a better and stress-free way. The Senior Secondary section consists of all the three streams with various combination (Humanities, Commerce and Science). This pattern of assessment will make all CBSE schools uniform in their methods and will also provide easy migration of students from one CBSE school to another.