CBSE regional level Science Exhibition # 2018-19

Posted On : 2019-02-06, By : Admin
The two days Regional Level CBSE Science Exhibition was hosted by Lakshmipat Singhania Academy on 27th and 28th January, 2019. The exhibition started with a beautiful opening song by the choir of the school. The event saw young enthusiastic participants from different parts of West Bengal putting up 50 participatory exhibits from 32 schools comprising of innovative working models and investigation based projects.
The exhibits by the different schools were indeed eye openers on various topics related to Green Energy, Innovation in Transport, Communication, Agriculture, Technology, Bio- diversity, Community Health, Environment, Resource Management, and Mathematical Modelling etc.
We are proud to announce that our students had designed a �transport and communication� model and �Waste Management� model. The students of our school (Sanjib Mishra � XI Sc, Poulomi Das � XI Sc, Nousabha Razique � XI Sc & Anindita Sarkar � VIII) had participated in this competition.
Olivia Enlightened English School is selected for the CBSE National Level Science Exhibition. It is a glorious news to Olivians for the New Year. The students and the teachers of OEES participated enthusiastically in the cited exhibition.
The participants were judged by the reputed professors and lecturers of different institutions of West Bengal.
The programme was over with a valuable speech by the regional officer of CBSE.
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